Always improving to better serve you

I’m so excited to announce I have hired two couriers.  This makes me excited for two reasons.    1. I can better serve you.  2. I can empower two moms by giving them the opportunity to financially contribute to their homes in a way that works for them.

What will my couriers be helping with?   They will be helping with pick ups.    Now picks ups can happen faster and with 3 people on call to pick up I will also have more time to offer you more add ons, continue researching and studying to give you the most up to date information on encapsulation and time to be able to provide you information and tips through my blog and social media.

This will also allow me to take more clients, now I won’t have to turn any fabulous Mamas away!

Now, I would like to introduce you to my couriers.

Lynn is a Mama to 3 boys.   We met through the local natural parenting group and shared a mutual friend, Nicole.

Nicole is a homeschool mama to 3 girls.   We met when she joined our church a little over 4 years ago.

Lynn                                                             Nicole and family