How to pack your cooler

If you have a silver cooler here are your instructions.

  • Double-bag the placenta in the two bags labeled “Placenta”.
  • Fill the bags marked “Ice” with ice.  Make sure they are sealed properly.
  • Place one bag in the cooler. Place bagged placenta on top. Place the last bag of ice on top of the bagged placenta.
  • Make sure the ice stays fresh until I get the placenta.   It’s good to check it every 5 hours.
  • Keep the cooler upright.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: If you are having a hospital birth make sure you have the handouts that come with your kit.  

If you have a purple cooler here are your instructions.

  • Double-bag the placenta in the two bags labeled “Placenta”.
  • Fill the bags marked “Ice” with ice.  Make sure they are sealed properly.
  • Place one bag in the cooler. Place bagged placenta on top. Place the last bag of ice on top of the bagged placenta.
  • Make sure the ice stays fresh until I get the placenta.   It’s good to check it every 5 hours.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: If you are having a hospital birth make sure you have the handouts that come with your kit.