Prep Methods used by Placenta Encapsulation Services by Heather Meyer

I get asked often what the difference is between the raw start method and the steamed method.     First I want to clarify that the Raw Start Dehydration Method is not the same as the Raw Method.

The Raw Start Method is dehydrated at a much higher temperature than the raw method and it’s dried much longer. This method kills bacteria to food safe levels according to food safety practices and recent research. The Raw Start Method produces more pills and contains the most progesterone.

The Steamed Method kills bacteria at a higher rate. This may be appealing to some clients. The Steamed Method is also the preferred method if you test positive for GBS.  I do not use any additions to this method like one might with a “Heated Method or Traditional Chinese Method.” There are two reasons for this. One is I believe the placenta is perfect the way it is. Two, you can continue taking it through illness or infection, unlike the Heated/Tradition Chinese Method.

If you choose Raw Start and then test positive for GBS just let me know and I will update your method to Steamed.