If I had a vanity license plate….

it would totally say “Placentas R My Passion” or some version of that.   Every time I’m driving to pick up a placenta or drop off an encapsulation that is what is going through my head.   I absolutely
love my job.   I love everything about it.   I love being able to give a new mom an option to help her support her in her Fourth Trimester.   I love meeting the new families.  I love the joy I see on their faces.  I love hearing from my clients afterward and hearing all their appreciation.   I love opening the container or bag and seeing what size and shape the placenta is.  How long or short the cord is.  (Here’s a little crazy for you, but it’s true) I love feeling the energy from the placenta.   Deciding what shape the cord will make for the keepsake.   Thinking positive thoughts while I’m preparing the placenta.   I LOVE my job and I just want to thank all those families that I have worked with and will work with in the future for taking time during their pregnancies to really research and take control of their postpartum recovery.    Enjoy a few pictures.  Sometimes when I’m stuck in traffic I like to take pictures of what is around me.